The new San Bernardino Courthouse: an immense project carried out with attention to every detail
Paying close attention to the minutest details was how Beaubois delivered the architectural woodwork and furniture for 35 courtrooms in this new 11-storey building, the largest public building constructed in this area of California in 50 years. This project, in development since 2007, necessitated an investment of close to $340M.
The integrated furniture in each courtroom—the judge’s bench, the lawyers’ tables, the bailiff’s desk and the public seating were fabricated using natural solid cherrywood or veneer, which required that the wood be selected with extreme care.
In each courtroom, Beaubois produced and installed the natural cherrywood veneer and solid wood ceilings as well as the decorative grilles for the lights and diffusers.
The firm also did something unique, covering three walls in each room with white solid surface, a material mainly used on counters or laboratory furniture. Installing this covering was a challenge because of limited possibilities for adjustments, given that the margin of manoeuvre was only 1/8 of an inch.

The new courthouse has freed up space in the old Courthouse, now used exclusively for civil and probate cases. It has also consolidated services from seven other justice facilities in a secure, earthquake resistant building that meets LEED environmental standards.
In addition to generating new permanent jobs, the San Bernardino Courthouse is also a key part of the downtown renaissance that includes new theatres, restaurants and office buildings. A superb addition bearing Beaubois hallmark.